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Metropolitan Mama posts a review of HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing:

Essentially, hypnobirthing stands on the premise that, "when fear is not present, pain is not present. Fear causes the arteries leading to the uterus to contract and become tense, creating pain. In the absence of fear, the muscles relax and become pliable, and the cervix is able to naturally thin and open as the body pulsates rhythmically and expels the baby with ease." This foundation is based in large part on the research and writings of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, a physician and author of Childbirth Without Fear (first published in the mid-fifties). The Hypnobirthing movement officially came on the scene in 1989 and has been slowly growing in popularity since then.
Visit her blog before Mar. 16 to win a copy of the book.


Thanks for spotlighting my review and for entering the contest.

I love how your "blawgs" focus on the latest research and studies related to childbirth and motherhood. Keep up the great work!

3:19 PM  

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