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Says a New York federal appeals court (AP via Jessica Seinfeld was sued for trademark and copyright violations after her book, Deceptively Delicious (reviewed here) was published about the same time as Missy Chase Lapine's The Sneaky Chef. Both cookbooks involve sneaking vegetable purees into kid's foods. Lapine also sued Jessica's husband, commedian Jerry Seinfeld, for defamation based on comments he made on The Late Show with David Letterman.

I have a stack of books on my desk. Some need to go back to the library; all are taking up space. Several of them deserve a whole review to themselves - but I don't have time to write them. So I'll just give you a summary. If you are interested in what I'm reading, leave a comment and maybe I'll give it a more in-depth treatment.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith. I think I liked this prequel even better than the original PPZ (which I reviewed here). While adding zombies to Austen's prose was, though delightful, unwieldy at best, this book is an entirely original piece of writing.

The It Factor: Be the One People Like, Listen to, and Remember by Mark Wiskup. Not what I was expecting, this book deals mainly with tweaking the way you talk and ask questions. Didn't do much for me.

The Buccaneers by Edith Wharton; completed By Marion Mainwaring. It's interesting reading this Regency-era book (published posthumously in unfinished form in 1938) alongside other Regency-era novels written over a century before, such as Pride and Prejudice.

The Telling (Seasons of Grace, Book 3) by Beverly Lewis - a satisfactory end to Lewis' latest three-book series.

Now I don't Tweet, or follow people on Twitter - I'm on information overload as it is - but I came across this list of the 50 Best Book People to Follow on Twitter. Looks good.

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