How to Write a Children's Book and Get It Published, by Barbara Seuling.
So obviously this book is helpful if you want to write a children's book, but I also learned a lot about the history of children's literature and the publishing industry. There is also a helpful list in the Appendix of recommended children's books in each category which may be useful for parents.
Labels: Marketing, Nonfiction, Parenting
In honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:
Death of a Dream: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Newborn Loss, by Donna and Rodger Ewy.
This is a great book, aimed primarily at caregivers - doctors, nurses, family members, etc. It has details - written in easy-to-understand language, though - about the medical causes of miscarriage and stillbirth, including genetic factors, placental abnormalities, and so forth. Gives clear suggestions for support people as to what to say and how to act. This book would be helpful for parents, but I would most recommend it to doulas and nurses.
A Woman Doctor's Guide to Miscarriage: Essential Facts and Up-To-The Minute Information on Coping With Pregnancy Loss and Trying Again
Goes into a lot of detail on the causes and prevention of miscarriage, particularly recurring miscarriage, with smaller chapters on grief and trying again. Has a neat section at the back of women's stories.
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby
Explores in detail the grief process and the emotions that parents may be going through. Focuses mostly on the emotional aspects with very little information about the physical process, and focuses primarily on stillbirth rather than miscarriage. Helpful for anyone, though.
Molly's Rosebush
This is a really simply, touching book about miscarriage for children from the perspective of the older sister. It makes a great analogy that just as some seeds don't sprout, and some eggs don't hatch, some babies don't get to be born.
Labels: Childbirth, Nonfiction, Parenting, Pregnancy
Richistan: A Journey Through the American Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich, by Robert Frank.
This is a very interesting and enjoyable read about really, really rich people and how they live. It stands in sharp contrast to The Millionaire Next Door, which characterizes the ordinary millionaire as buying used cars and drinking Budweiser.
Labels: Nonfiction
As previously mentioned, I am reading through the Jack Ryan novels:
Red Rabbit
The Hunt for Red October
The Cardinal of the Kremlin
Clear and Present Danger
Labels: Fiction, Tom Clancy